Giornale di Viaggio in Egitto 31,00 €Select options
The previously unpublished account of the inauguration ceremony of the Suez Canal in 1869, written by one of the correspondents, Roberto Morra di Lavriano, and the travelogue of one of the first cruises along the Nile River.
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Giovanni Belzoni – Viaggi in Egitto ed in Nubia 36,00 €Add to cart
Viaggi in Egitto ed in Nubia
by Alberto Siliotti
432 pages of Illustrations: 92 in color, 271 b/w
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Giovanni Belzoni alla scoperta dell’Egitto perduto 19,90 €Add to cart
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The first illustrated biography of the most important explorer of Egypt in the nineteenth century on the occasion of the bicentenary of his great discoveries.
Size 16,5 x 24 cm – 200 pages with over400 illustrations
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Hurghada Diving GuideRead more
The new Diving Guide to explore the depths of Hurghada.
Coming this year
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Inhabitants of the Sea – Ebook version 1,99 €Add to cart
The Inhabitants of the Sea
Les Habitants de la MerThe New Interactive Ebook within the boards of Inhabitants of the Sea, Quiz and coloring pages for kids.
The Interactive Ebook is available for Tablet, PC and Mac in Epub format
Buy now and download immediately the interactive ebook to introduce the inhabitants of the sea to your children.
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ISLAMIC CAIRO 10,00 €Select options
- The Origins and History of Cairo
- Islamic Architecture in Cairo
- Mosques and Madrasas
- Sabil
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Kid’s Book 10,00 €Add to cart
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Discovering the Red Sea and its inhabitants, learning new words and sentences in other languages, enjoying with colors!
Kid’s Book – Ebook version 5,00 €Add to cart
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Discovering the Red Sea and its inhabitants, learning new words and sentences in other languages, enjoying with colors!
LA TOMBA DI NEFERTARI 10,00 €Add to cart
Available languages:
- La Valle delle Regine
- Nefertari Mery-en-Mut
- Descrizione della Tomba
- L’Anticamera
- Il Vestibolo
- La “Camera dei Tessuti”
- Il Corridoio e la Scalinata
- La Camera Sepolcrale
- Le Colonne
- Il Significato della Tomba
LE PIRAMIDI DI GIZA 10,00 €Add to cart
Available languages:
- Breve Storia
- La Piramide di Khufu
- La Nave Reale
- La Piramide di Chefre
- La Piramide di Menkaure’
- La Sfinge
- La Valle dei Templi di Chefre
- Il Tempio della Sfinge
- Le Tombe
Luxor, Karnak & Theban TemplesRead more
The new updated guide with the latest discoveries on Luxor Karnak and the Theban Temples is coming soon.
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The Luxor and Karnak temples and the great memorial temples of ancient Thebes are the most visited archaeological sites of Egypt, masterpieces of universal art and architecture, listed among the sites of Unesco world patrimony.
The Luxor and Karnak temple complex are one of the largest archaeological sites in the world, mentioned by the great historian Herodotus 2500 years ago. Huge pylons, colossal columns, and imposing obelisks tell the history and myths of Egyptian civilization, of which they are one of the most magnificent finds.
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- The Temples of Luxor and Karnak
- The Open-Air Museum
- The Colossi of Memnon
- Medinet Habu
- The Ramesseum
- Deir al-Bahari
- The Temple of Sethos I
- The Luxor Museum
- The Mummification Museum
- The Temple of Dendera
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MAR ROSSO 10,00 €Add to cart
Available languages:
- Informazioni pratiche e generali
- I Beduini
- I Monasteri Copti nel Mar Rosso
- I Romani e il Mar Rosso: Mons Claudianus e Mons Porphyrites
- Hurghada
- Safaga
- Quseir
- Marsa Alam
- The Geography and History of the Fayoum
- Visiting Medinet Madi
- The Visitor Center and the Eco-Lodge
- The Nine Lives of Medinet Madi
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Memofish® Book – Ebook version 6,00 €Add to cart
An indispensable guide for recognizing and observing the most important fish in the Red Sea.
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Memofish® Book – Fishes of the Red Sea 12,00 €Select options
An indispensable guide for recognizing and observing the most important fish in the Red Sea.